
false creek

I'm taking a machine knitting studio class right now for school, and our first larger assignment was to design and make a striped fabric inspired by a landscape. Since I'm working with the theme of the Pacific Northwest, specifically Vancouver, I decided to make a scarf-stripe that referenced False Creek, a place where I had fond memories growing up.


Here's a colour chart I made myself to help me pick yarns--I used this photo by Craig Macintosh as a reference. You might see that I tweaked the proportions of colours slightly in the final knit, but it was a good starting point. I was also inspired by the kiddie-coloured Aquabus ferrying through the Creek, because I knew I wanted to play with the bright primary colours against the more muted hues of the natural landscape (and the not-natural skyscrapers, I guess).

Vancouver, False Creek - Aquabus


  1. oh my goodness. I LOVE this scarf! it's amazing. it truly is incredible....

  2. whoa that's friggen awesome!!

  3. What a wonderful idea! I love your color inspiration.

  4. I love it! It's so vibrant and pretty, the colours are awesome.
