So I disappeared off the face of the earth, locked into the studio at school for two crazy intense weeks of midterms. And then after my weaving critique, I promptly got sick and spent the next two days cooped up in bed. Hope you had a far better Easter weekend! I'm feeling fine now but utterly lazy.
I do have plenty of new work to share, just no time with available daylight to document it... photos will eventually come once I get around to taking them. The picture above is a sneak peek of sorts-- it's a shot of the merino-silk yarn I hand-dyed for my machine knitting midterm project.
Other than the actual project, something that came out of the past few weeks is an interest in podcasts. I've actually never been into podcasts before, but as the music selection on my iPod became staler and staler during the 60+ hours of weaving (in chunks, of course), I decided that I needed something new to listen to. So far I've been liking Spilled Milk (fun stuff as a food blog fan), a selection of NPR's extensive programming (including the Fresh Air interview with Tina Fey and the live concert recordings), and stories from the New Yorker.
On a similar path, audiobooks also seemed like a good idea, although in the past I've never really been much of a fan-- extreme lengths can be off-putting, and I'm likely a little picky when it comes to narrator voices. I decided to start simple by checking David Sedaris' Me Talk Pretty One Day, since I figured that short stories would be an easier way to ease into audiobooks, and Sedaris reading his own comedic tales would be agreeable. It was indeed.
What podcasts/audiobooks do you recommend? I've only been dipping my toe in the water-- help me dive in!
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